In pursuit of Panama

In pursuit of Panama
view the trailer to their epic journey(click the image)

Monday, August 25, 2008


when we set out three days ago we set a rule that if we had been sitting for more then an hour with no ride that we could pay for one to a better spot. Suprisingly we´ve traveled through 4 countrys and have only had to catch a bus for 20 minutes, the rest of the time we´ve been shoot´n the breeze with truckers, locals, and one generous American. I´ve been really suprised at how easy it is to hitch down here in these countrys. We´ve made it to southern Nicaragua in three days of hitching, were we recieved news from Ryan(owner of the car and maker of the documentry) that he´s bought a plane ticket and is on his way to Costa Rica to meet up with us. We´re really excited to be meeting up with Ryan and can´t wait for the adventure of bringing back that amazing car.

1 comment:

breamarie said...

it gives me goosebumps to read this. i'm so jealous and excited for you guys. i'm so relived to hear all those hours of planning are finally producing some results! :) live the dream!