In pursuit of Panama

In pursuit of Panama
view the trailer to their epic journey(click the image)

Friday, September 5, 2008

We have arrived

Success!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have obtained the Panamobile from its muddy, jungle, hell. the last five days have been quite absurd to say the least. shawnys trekk is so classic of his luck. At one point he was escaping the rain under a highway viaduct sharing his only food with some homeless guys. I believe this was the night after he had to sleep behind a billboard next to the freeway in the middle of nowhere. We both got lost Trying to find the farm where the car was, shawn slept in a field the night he got lost and I actually was lucky enough to find the farm after hours of wondering around in the back woods of coasta rica in the dark. Needless to say we have got the car.
Oh yah it doent work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok stop laughing and thinking we told you so!!!
We were able to tow the car to a small mechanic shop where they are at this time trying to figure out the problem and get us up and running. Ryans plane is probably landing as im writting this and he`ll most likely meet up with us today or tommorrow.
Shawn and I are probably the dirtiest we have been on this trip, we smell bad, we look bad and we just feel really homeless at this point. We cant help but burst out laughing when we look around and were in the middle of a mud field with a broken down car, no money in our pockets and smelling like a couple of old goat.
were excited t get on the road from here and feel the wind flowing through our nappy dirty hair.

I would like to thank every one who helped by going out to the premier of ¨In pursuit of Panama¨ and to our friend nic hogan for his donation to the cause(you can be like Nic too and help out by donating, just click the donate button to the right and help bring us home)
Love David and Shawny

1 comment:

Nic said...

Do you have any IDEA how hard it is to read your blog and then go to class?